Robert Parkinson
Dog Trainer
Aggressive Dominance
Passive Dominance
Mother dominating pup, but not aggression
Reduce the nursing
All 4 feet on the ground, learning to fend for itself
Aggressive Dog Behaviour
Aggression - Dominance and causes
Aggressive dog behaviour is largely caused by the way owners have unwittingly brought up their dog.
Aggressive dog behaviour is rare genetically, but if genetics is a problem it can only be improved not eradicated.
Fearful dogs often show what we might see as aggressive dog behaviour, but rather than aggression it should be seen as a means of defense as the method of training differs.
Aggression - Dominance and/or Passive
There are predominantly 2 types of dominance from dogs, aggressive dominance is obvious to everyone, and is either caused by it's upbringing and environment, or to a lesser extent it's genetic lines.
The other is passive dominance, which can be even more dangerous, and this is something that builds over an extended period, and the one problem that I spend most of my time with dog owners. Most dogs are continually looking for weaknesses in their owner or family pack. If they perceive a weakness in their leader, they will seek to fill that hierarchical position themselves. Some of their tactics are very subtle and usually owners will not be aware of the conditioning that they are being subjected to. The dog will start making demands of the owner without their knowledge, and the owner dutifully complies, usually by over affection or over protection. The reason why this can be more dangerous, is because a bite or negative reaction from the dog can be totally unexpected.
Much aggression as we see it comes from fear, and much of a dog's fear comes from our fear. A dog needs to be allowed to build up its own self confidence, and that can only occur by allowing the dog to explore and experiment itself. By allowing that to happen, the owner will also gain confidence and alleviate their fears.
Snarling/Snapping while carried/nursed - Does your dog snarl or snap at people when you are carrying it or it's sitting on your lap?
Just as we need to develop self confidence, so does a dog. Whether your dog is a small dog or large, they all have the same brain, ways of thinking, same instincts and drives, just different levels. What makes them different from each other is the way we treat them. A dog constantly nursed, petted and protected, may find it has no confidence in other people or other animals and snarl or snap to keep them away. They have also elevated their position in the hierarchy and may snap at the owner or family members. So try to keep their 4 feet on the ground and allow them to learn to communicate with dogs and people without your backup. You will all be surprised how quickly they can learn to fend for themselves
If this has been of assistance and you want some personal assistance, please make contact.